Aligning your lifestyle with health goals

Occasionally when working with clients, we reach a roadblock where lifestyle factors are interfering with their ability to achieve their health goals. At this point, it is important to reflect on what components of your life are creating challenges in your health. Is the work schedule or perhaps a relationship dynamic working against your ability to make healthy food choices or be physically active? Is it an over-scheduled life with too many demands to keep up with or a social circle that encourages excess alcohol consumption?

Sometimes clients become frustrated and think that they are too weak or a failure for not achieving their health goals. However, this is not the case. Evaluating the whole scope of your life to figure out what’s working and what can be improved upon is an important exercise for everyone to do from time to time. It can be particularly invaluable when coming up against frequent obstacles to achieving health goals. Leading a self-directed life can sometimes bring about necessary changes that can be hard to make, but create positive change in the most meaningful areas of our life.

In health,
